Streat Bendigo honey
Streat Bendigo honey
47 Richmond Tce Reception
47 Richmond Terrace
Richmond VIC 3121
Streat Bendigo honey - 100% pure Australian honey
Bendigo honey; this is 300g of Victorian gold. One jar, supporting two Victorian social enterprises.
This honey is sourced from Sweet Justice who make premium, 100% pure Australian honey, harvested from pristine national parks and native forests.
Sweet Justice train and employ beekeepers, offering a second chance to people emerging from the justice system.
Bottled in the STREAT Collingwood kitchen from 100% Australian ingredients.
STREAT exists to help young people who have experienced marginalisation, disadvantage and a range of barriers to employment. We aim to provide a sense of connection, safety and belonging to our young people. We want young people to thrive in all parts of their lives, and achieve a healthy self, healthy work and a healthy home.
Streat's chefs hand-make an array of tasty pantry staples and seasonal treats using traditional, preservative-free methods. They work with the best local produce, with a focus on waste reduction and creating circular food systems through their work with the Moving Feast collective.
As a social enterprise, all profits go straight into their youth programs which offer disadvantaged and marginalised young people support and opportunities to train and create pathways to a sustainable livelihood. It’s a circle of goodness!
Most importantly STREAT products taste great!!!